Poetry Workshop: “Trans/Forming: Old Forms to Sing a New Song”
Date: Friday, April 2, 2021
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm EST
Part of the Isle of the Arts Festival. Sponsored by Gabriola Arts Council.
Kate will be presenting a poetry workshop at 3pm. This event will be online, held by Zoom.
The ancient tradition of writing poetry in given form such as sonnet, glosa, haiku and sestina is creating new excitement among Canadian writers. Even those used to writing prose may find that playing with words within strict guidelines can work magic on mundane language, partly through form’s emphasis on sound – repetition, rhythm and rhyme – and partly through its promise of utter freedom within constraints. Writing in forms can give writing a lyric jolt that takes you places you never knew you could go.
Registration for the workshop is not yet open. Check the More Information link below in early March for details and to register.